How do I create new Save Data on Nintendo Switch to troubleshoot Rocket League Load Failure errors

Delete the existing save file and launch Rocket League to create a new save file:

  1. Select Settings from the Main Menu.
  2. Select Data Management.
  3. Select Manage Save Data/Screenshots.
  4. Select Delete Save Data.
  5. Select Rocket League.
  6. Select the Nintendo profile that is having the error.
  7. Select Delete Save Data.
  8. Launch Rocket League to create a new save file.

The next time you launch Rocket League, you shouldn’t play the tutorial again.

If a new save file solves the problem, you will want to re-enable Automatic Save-Data Download:

  1. Select System Settings from the Main Menu.
  2. Select Data Management.
  3. Select Save Data Cloud.
  4. Select your user account.
  5. Select Settings.
  6. Select Automatic Save-Data Backup.
  7. Switch this feature to ON if it is off.

If you are trying to solve a Load Failure error in Rocket League and this did not help, try the next step: How do I restore Save Data backups on Nintendo Switch to troubleshoot Rocket League Load Failure errors

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