How do I create new Save Data on Xbox to troubleshoot Rocket League Load Failure errors

Save data is automatically stored in the cloud when you are connected to Xbox Live.

For more info check out: Xbox One cloud game saves FAQ.

Delete the existing save file and launch Rocket League to generate a new save file

  1. Press the Xbox button on your controller.
  2. Select My games and apps.
  3. Highlight Rocket League.
  4. Press the Menu button on your controller.
  5. Select Manage game.
  6. Scroll down to Saved Data.
  7. Highlight the saved data for your gamer tag.
  8. Press the A button on your controller.
  9. Select Delete from console.
  10. Launch Rocket League to create the new save data (the new player tutorial will play).
  11. Try to reproduce the problem you were having.
  12. Close Rocket League.
  13. Launch Rocket League.
  14. The new player tutorial should not play.

If you are trying to solve a Load Failure error in Rocket League and this did
not help, try the next step:

How do I reinstall Rocket League on Xbox Series X|S?

How do I reinstall Rocket League on Xbox One?

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