How do I reinstall Microsoft C++ packages to solve Rocket League issues?

The PC version of Rocket League requires Microsoft C++ packages to run. Reinstalling this software may resolve crashing issues.

Follow the steps below to get started:

  1. Press the Windows button on the keyboard to open the Start Menu.
  2. Type Programs.
  3. Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
  4. Select Add or remove programs.
  5. Type Visual in the search box.
  6. Take a screenshot of the installed software.
    For more info, check out: How do I take Rocket League screenshots on a PC?
  7. Right-click a Visual C++ Redistributables package in the search list.
  8. Select Uninstall or Uninstall/Change.
  9. Choose Uninstall.
  10. Reboot your PC.

Visual C++ 2015, 2017, and 2019 share the same redistributable files.

Click the following link from Microsoft to install the latest Visual C++ redistributable: Vc_redist.x64.exe

Other games and apps may require an earlier version of this Microsoft software. Your screenshot from Step 6 will tell you which ones you need for other apps. If another app needs 2013 you may need to install a different version.
For more info, check out: The latest supported Visual C++ downloads.

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