How do I take Rocket League screenshots on a PC?

Attaching screenshots in your Support ticket may help us better troubleshoot your issue. Follow these steps to take and send screenshots on PC:

  1. With Rocket League running, hold down the Alt key and tap the Enter key to switch Rocket League to windowed mode.
  2. Hold down the Windows and Shift key and tap the S key to open the Snip & Sketch interface.
  3. Select the Window Snip from the options at the top of the screen.
    (the middle icon at the top of the screen)
  4. Click the Rocket League window to save a screenshot to the clipboard.
  5. Paste the screenshot in your email message by right-clicking the mouse and choosing Paste.
  6. Hold down the Alt key and tap the Enter key in Rocket League to return to fullscreen mode.

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