How do I use Steam Cloud with Rocket League?

Steam Cloud allows Rocket League to use the cloud storage hosted by Steam. This data

includes your Replays and Game Option Configurations. All other data is stored on Rocket League servers (PsyNet). Some data is saved on both Steam Cloud as well as PsyNet.

Follow these links provided by Steam in order to answer these questions:

Follow these steps in order to modify the Rocket League data saved in Steam Cloud:

  1. Ensure that Steam Cloud is enabled.
  2. Launch Rocket League.
  3. With Rocket League still running, press ALT + TAB.
  4. Navigate to C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame.
  5. Delete or add files as needed, you may wish to back up the files in another location first:
    • Players may want to modify different files:
      • Replay files in the Demos file
      • Save data in the SaveData folder
      • Downloaded training packs in the Training folder
  6. Close Rocket League.
  7. After closing Rocket League, Steam Cloud will sync the newly modified data.

For any other questions, visit this Steam Cloud article provided by Steam.

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