Rocket League performance and network graphs (PC Only)

If you are experiencing performance or connectivity issues, you can enable in-game graphs to display further details that can help you or our Support team narrow down the exact problem.

Enabling the Performance and Network Graphs

  1. Open the Settings menu in Rocket League.
  2. Select the Interface tab.
  3. Chose the graph type from the Performance Graphs drop-down menu.


Performance Graphs
For Performance, you can choose between three Graphs, one summarizing the most commonly useful information and two displaying information for different timeframes:
  • Performance Summary: This graph displays the real-time FPS, Frame, Game, Render, and GPU statistic.
  • Performance (Short): Displays the real-time performance statistics over a short amount of time.
  • Performance (Long): Provides the real-time performance statistics over a longer period of time.
What does each statistic mean?
  • FPS: How many Frames-Per-Second the game is currently rendering at. Low FPS will result in stuttering and possible input lag.
  • Frame: Total time (in ms) that the game took to produce a frame. This includes game time, render time, and sleep time (such as frame rate limit or waiting for V-Sync). High values may be caused by less powerful hardware or available resources due to other programs running, for example.
  • Game: How many milliseconds the Game Thread took to produce a frame. The Game Thread is in charge of game logic and physics.
  • Render: How many milliseconds the Render Thread took to produce a frame. The Render Thread is in charge of sending commands to the GPU.
  • GPU: How many milliseconds the GPU took to produce and render a frame. High values may be caused by insufficient GPU performance or resources available.
Network Graphs
There are two Network Graphs available detailing various connection indicators over different periods of time:
  • Network (Short): Displays network statistics over a short amount of time.
  • Network (Long): Displays network statistics over a longer period of time.
What does each statistic mean?
  • Out Pkt: Outgoing Packets. Displays how many packets have been sent in 1-second time periods. Low or inconsistent values may indicate a connectivity issue in your local network.
  • In Pkt: Incoming Packets. Displays how many packets have been received in 1-second time periods.
  • Out Loss: Outgoing packet loss. Displays how many outgoing packets have been dropped in 1-second time periods. High values may be caused by local connection or routing issues.
  • In Loss: Incoming packet loss. Displays how many incoming packets have been dropped in 1-second time periods. High values may be caused by local connection or routing issues.
  • Out Bytes: Outgoing bytes. Displays total number of bytes sent in 1-second time periods.
  • In Bytes: Incoming bytes. Displays total number of bytes received in 1-second time periods.
  • Latency: Displays the time, in milliseconds, that it takes for information to get from client to server and back to the client, also displayed as your Ping on the scoreboard. High (above 100) or inconsistent values may be caused by local connection or routing issues.
  • IBuf: Input Buffer. Displays how many frames of client input the server currently has queued. Higher values may cause increased input lag, rubberbanding, and latency.
  • IBuf Max: Input Buffer Max Size. Displays the maximum amount of inputs the server will queue before it starts consuming extra inputs per physics frame.
  • IBuf Miss: Input Buffer Miss. Displays when the input buffer is empty or too full. Positive numbers mean the server had too many inputs queued. Negative numbers mean the server input buffer was empty.
  • Phys Rate: Physics Rate. How many physics frames per second the game is running.

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